Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Site So Ill

Since I recently wrote about looking for the "face of southern Illinois" on the web, it's only right that I mention AccessSI, "your southern Illinois community resource directory!" This is a site that deserves greater visibility, in spite of that exclamation point.

I first heard about AccessSI a couple of years ago when I was involved in an advocacy group that was looking to publicize itself and its activities. I met the coordinator at an event at SIU. She was tremendously open and helpful. Unfortunately, a few months later she had already apparently moved on to something else. Still, its hard to criticize when my group didn't last much longer than that.

My impression, then, of AccessSI is that it is both underused and under-the-radar. A great idea -- and a tremendous potential resource -- that needs a higher profile. It also has, in my humble opinion, one of the more awkward interfaces around. I know what you are thinking. It's not about flash; it's about finding information about community organizations. And for that, there is little else like it in the area.

I guess I'm just a nitpicker, but I'm sort of left dreaming about what the site COULD be -- so much so that I tend to forget to value it for what it IS. Here's an unfair -- but for me, unavoidable -- comparison: AccessSI vs. Hands On Atlanta

I lived for a very brief time in an apartment north of Buckhead (Atlanta's version of Carbondale's ... actually, there is no comparable area of Carbondale). During that time, I was looking for volunteer opportunities. I discovered this group that would match me with the organization that best fit my interests. It was called ... (I'll bet you don't know what it was called!) Hands On Atlanta! (That was a surprise, wasn't it?)

They list agencies in need of volunteers; they train volunteers; they match volunteers with agencies in need. This, to me, is the very definition of a great idea.

Great comparison, you say. Nothing like picking an area with similar resources to ours, you say. Fulton county has a population of 814,438, Jackson county 59,612, you say. All is true, I say. I already admitted it wasn't a fair comparison. But a boy can dream, can't he?

If nothing else, Hands On Atlanta's website -- and their agency interface -- doesn't look beaten with the ugly stick. You, AccessSI, I'm sorry to say it looks as though your interface married the ugly stick and had ugly stick children.

Sorry about that one, AccessSI. But like Shaw said, a critic is someone who leaves no turn unstoned.

Still, could you tweak the thing, just a little bit?

1 comment:

Parentheticus said...

Apparently, Hands On Atlanta is part of a network of web sites in other cities: