Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Economics of Computer Security

Computers as a business tool have skyrocketed in value, particularly in our current Internet Age. At the same time, internet connectivity has exposed computers to new threats, both pranks and profit-motivated criminal attacks. Understanding the economics of computer security is vital to all enterprises who strive for a successful presence on the World Wide Web. What are your goals in using computers? Which persons and organizations have the potential to thwart your computer goals? What are the cost-effective ways to minimize threats, and to recover after an attack? If you can answer these questions, you're on your way toward best practices in computer security.

Scott Gilbert will be the guest speaker. Gilbert is a Professor in the Department of Economics at SIU. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California San Diego and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of California Berkeley. His field of interest includes econometrics, applied finance, and applied economics.

For more information and to RSVP go to The Carbondale to Cyberdale website.

The monthly breakfast is sponsored by SouthernTECH an Illinois Technology Enterprise Center in collaboration with the Office of Economic & Regional Development, Carbondale Business Development Corporation, and the Pontikes Center for Management of Information.