Saturday, September 10, 2005

haven't you heard . . . the City Council meeting?

Have you seen the list of public meetings now available on the City of Carbondale web site? The mayor recently issued a press release announcing it. In small part, this is due to prompting by the authors of this blog, but mostly through the efforts of Mark Jones, the city's technical guy, who's been capturing the audio portion of video recordings of meetings and transferring them to digital format -- either .mp3 or .wma. (As I type these words, my old computer is downloading the .mp3 version on a high speed connection. Estimated 11 minutes. Dialup would be much longer -- probably too long?)

While waiting, I've been following Rob's suggestion (below), reading how "TK3 Author" and "TK3 Reader" can be used to write interactive e-documents, such as the "blook" (blog-based book) I'm writing about Carbondale. The program also requires buying and learning QuickTime Pro. It looks promising. The next step might be to interview prominent persons in the community . . . on the record about local matters. "Podcast" files that can be included in the blook with the help of TK3.

Haven't you heard? It's all coming together.

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